How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

Solar panels are a great way to save on your monthly energy bill, and they can provide renewable energy for years. If you’re considering them for your house, you might ask yourself, “How many solar panels do I need?” 

The answer varies based on how much electricity you use in your home and what size of solar panel system will work best with the amount of sun available at your location. Here are some guidelines for determining which size system will work best for you.

The Size and Shape of Your Roof

Your roof size will determine the number of panels you need. If trees or other buildings already shade your home, it may not be suitable for solar panel installation. Roofs that are obstructed, particularly by taller buildings to the south, won’t produce nearly as much power as roofs with clear exposure to the sun all day long.

Your Energy Requirements

The amount of energy your home consumes will also determine the size and number of solar panels you need. If you live in a smaller, one-story house or apartment with low electricity usage, then you may only need a few solar panels. A home that uses over 2000 watts of power per hour or one with multiple stories will require a more sizable installation for your system to be able to produce enough energy for all of your needs.

The Climate and Amount of Sunlight in Your Region

The climate you live in will also affect the number of solar panels you need to install. If your region receives lots of sunlight, it should produce more energy, if all other factors were equal. However, if you live in an area with lots of cloud coverage, the number of panels you need will be increased to compensate for less exposure to sunlight. 

Snow and other weather conditions can affect how much energy your solar panels produce. Snow can reflect a large amount of sunlight which can help your panels produce more power if your region receives a lot of snowfall. However, they can also cover your panels, which reduces their exposure to sunlight and lowers your energy output. If you live in an area that receives large amounts of snow, then it may be best to install a system with tracking panels so they can continue producing power throughout the year without being covered by too much snow.

The Efficiency of the Solar Panels

The most efficient solar panels are made from monocrystalline cells, producing up to 22 percent efficiency. Thin-film solar cells tend to be less efficient, but they also use a lot less silicon, so they cost considerably less and work well for low-energy users who need only a few small panels. However, polycrystalline or multi-crystal cells offer the best value in terms of price versus efficiency. They have been around longer and have lower production costs compared to newer technologies. Each type of panel comes with its pros and cons, but an experienced solar technician can help you make the correct choice based on your home.

A Reliable Solar Partner

Solar panels are a great way to produce renewable energy for your home. Solar panels come in various shapes, sizes, and styles that can be adapted to most homes or businesses based on their specific needs. You will need a solar contractor familiar with the technology to measure how many solar panels you need correctly.

Schedule a free consultation with Mynt Solar. Our comprehensive consultation will show how many solar panels would be optimal for your home, how much power you could generate each month, and more. We look forward to working with you!