Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy

The world’s energy sources are finite. Most of the current resources we use for energy emit harmful byproducts that are damaging the environment, affecting human beings, and trickling down to the fragile animal ecosystem. Our world’s situation is serious – and makes it worth considering the pros and cons of renewable energy.

Many countries worldwide across the globe recognize the urgency of this situation, fueling the race to switch to sustainable sources of energy such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and low-impact hydroelectricity. With support from the government, corporations, and even homeowners, the world is seeing a massive change to green energy in an effort to stop environmental damage with the end goal of driving the world into a carbon-free future.

In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable sources of power.

Advantages of Using Renewable Energy

It Never Runs Out

Green sources of energy are inexhaustible. Unlike the finite supply of fossil fuels, alternative energy options will never run out. Energy from the sun, the wind, heat, and water will never run out and are readily available in most places on the earth.

It Is Environmentally and People Friendly

Burning fossil fuels as the primary energy source in power plants and vehicles releases substantial amounts of monoxide, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases are the leading cause of global warming and cause considerable damage to people and animals. Sustainable sources of energy leave no byproducts that are harmful to the environment, people, and animals.

Renewable Energy Technology Is Easy to Maintain

The technology for sustainable energy is complex to install, but once it’s in place, maintaining it is simple, often needing maintenance only once every few months. This is especially true for solar panels that will do their job of harnessing the sun’s energy without needing any monitoring once installed by a solar installation company.

Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

It’s Expensive to Install

Price is the primary concern of people wanting to switch to renewable technology. As green technology becomes more and more common, the price of installation will go down. However, the initial investment of starting renewable energy is too expensive for most people.

For example, it costs about $18,000 for a solar installation company to install an ordinary solar roof. It’s worth mentioning that after you incur the initial costs, your electric bill will go down and you will save money on a monthly basis.

Green Energy Is Intermittent

Unlike fossil fuels, sustainable power sources often fluctuate and are not stable. People can harness solar energy only during the day, and the wind continually changes direction and speed. The ground temperature affects geothermal energy.

While this kind of energy is intermittent, it is still reliable. For example, storing solar energy in an accompanying battery ensures that you have solar power to draw from during periods of time when the sun isn’t shining directly on your solar panels.

Renewable Energy Needs Storage Capabilities

Being connected to the power grid supplies the household with all the electricity they need with no special equipment. People who choose to go with renewable power sources often need batteries to store the power for later use. However, solar batteries are simple to install and are worth the investment because of the flexibility they offer you.

With the pros and cons of using renewable energy, the advantages of using green energy outweigh the disadvantages. Green energy provides a viable solution to conserve the Earth’s finite resources for future generations.

For a free solar panel consultation, contact Mynt Solar. We have years of experience in our industry and are committed to honest, transparent services. We look forward to hearing from you as you continue your sustainable energy journey!